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Old 01-17-2019, 08:46 AM   #1
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
how does credible apply to repeating an official


Apple was going to create 20,000 new jobs, a new domestic campus and other spending.

I dont think this has happened yet are you not now credible and A Moron for Quoting Apple . No ... why because you were just repeating the Info not creating it ...
"how does credible apply to repeating an official "

I don't know what that sentence means.

But when someone was as colossally wrong as Krugman was, it seems to me that he is driven by political ideology rather than economic truth. So I am stunned that anyone would ever believe him. He has no credibility. Clearly he will lie to smear politicians he doesn't like.

"Apple was going to create 20,000 new jobs, a new domestic campus and other spending."

Over 5 years, so no not yet. They also paid $38 billion to the feds in taxes, when they brought $250 billion back to the US.

There is no evidence Apple will renig. There is plenty of evidence that Krugman was full of crapola. GDP growth is robust, interest rates have been raised, meaning they can be cut again if needed to stimulate growth, the last jobs report was fantastic. But a recession is still coming, regardless of who was POTUS, but obviously we will survive. Krugman said the economy would not survive. You think there's ANY CHANCE that's true? That we literally won't exist because of Trump?

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