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Old 01-23-2019, 08:21 PM   #17
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by scottw View Post
you are hopeless
He is.

Spence, you are willfully ignoring the facts, ignoring what actually happened, and ignoring empiricism, to advance what you desperately want to be true...that the white catholic boys from middle America, attending a pro life rally and wearing Trump hats, are bad.

The kid at the center of this, Sandmann, was standing there doing nothing. This whack job agitator who obviously hates Catholics, started howling and banging a drum, three inches from his face. The kid didn't move a muscle. He didn't move an inch. And he is culpable somehow? That idiot hen on NBC who interviewed him, said "it's aggressive, standing there".

So when Phillips got in his face, the kid was supposed to leave the spot he was in, because of his skin color and genatalia?

Just what MLK would have wanted. Right? No irony there!

You are hopeless, you are beyond any and all hope.
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