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Old 01-27-2019, 07:14 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by scottw View Post
yet the modern average family struggling to make ends meet still has big screen tvs, cable/statellite, several cell phones, multiple gas guzzling cars, kids in expensive club sports, eat out more that any 70's family, have you seen what the average American family spends on Christmas? the 70's NOBODY in my neighborhood owned a new car or went on vacation very often and it was a pretty average wanna go back to the 70's...Eben just likes the clothes

Scott...I have to agree. Growing up poor in the 50's and 60's, my seven brothers and sisters and I were not poor but, our clothes were hand-me downs or from thrift shops, we never went out to eat anywhere, one car for my Dad to get to work, we ate mostly loaves of old bread that gets taken off the shelves. our shoes got new heels put on when they wore out. Most of all the kids I knew were skin and bone thin, overweight kids were a rarity. My parents would not accept welfare and felt the financial burden for raising us was their responsibility.

Knowing that I would never have anything unless I worked very hard for it, I worked and saved and at age 20 I bought and paid for an acre of land and the following year built a home on it for my bride and myself with no help from anyone. Glad I never got anything for free, I might have become a slacker.

Today I see so called poor people with all brand new clothes, sneakers, jewelry, cell phones, cars, getting their nails done, tatoos, buying booze, drugs, scratch tickets etc. and many, many of them are obese from all the junk food they eat.
I dont feel sorry for them...they feel entitled because look at all the rich people.
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