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Old 01-27-2019, 03:17 PM   #63
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Why do people like you alway's think people are looking for free stuff or the easy way out? your brainwashed that hard work alone will always yield a positive result again a mantra projected by the right , 95 % of americans aren't looking to be rich they just what a fair shake a living wage to compensate them for their Hard work
the vast majority of Americans have under $1,000 saved and half of all Americans have nothing at all put away for retirement.

"Nearly half of families have no retirement account savings at all," the Economic Policy Institute (EPI) reported, even in savings vehicles such as IRAs and 401(k)s.

in your mind and others its because of big screen Tvs (that cost under 200 bucks) and Smartphones again simple views of a much bigger issue
"Why do people like you alway's think people are looking for free stuff "

Is that a joke? Have you heard anything that Bernie Sanders or Alexandra what's her face has ever said? Forgive student loans, free college, free healthcare...

Seriously, was that a joke?

"your brainwashed that hard work alone will always yield a positive result "

Never heard anyone say it will "always" yield a positive result. But it usually does, and very few poor people are college graduates with practical majors who are willing to work their buts off. Very few. Most made stupid decisions, often the fault of their parents. We could fix that by incentivizing good old-fashioned parenting, but we do the opposite. That's SURE to work!
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