Thread: Double standard
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Old 01-31-2019, 08:24 AM   #64
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
So people have said that MAGA really means nothing more than support of Trump and that support has no racial aspect to it. If that is the case why are the many instances of students at games chanting MAGA or Trump to minority students on other teams. Seems like these students don't understand the true meaning of MAGA.

"A year and five days ago, I wrote for the first time about a phenomenon at high school games: white fans -- mainly students -- chanting "Trump" or waving Trump signs to try to initimidate opposing teams that had a larger nonwhite representation among its players. Alas, it's a trend that isn't abating -- reflecting other acts of cruelty by adults that have taken place as some white are emboldened by Donald Trump's presidential victory (and his executive actions against, for example, Muslims and immigrants) to lash out against minorities.

It's happening all over -- in the last few months, Connecticut, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Texas, Iowa and Oklahoma. An Indiana coach blamed Trump's emboldening of racists for his black players being on the receiving end of racial slurs off the court."
Paul, to clarify, I think words (from a POTUS) matter a great deal, and Trumps words are usually a grave disappointment to me. But he's not issuing a call to arms for racists (in fact he has decried racism countless times), there isn't (despite his disgusting words to the contrary) a lot of right wing violence with him paying for defense fees.
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