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Old 02-04-2019, 05:17 PM   #14
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
A woman can do it with a coat hanger also with or without a lawyer or doctor.
If you have such concern about the unborn, a focus on making the great majority unnecessary by providing better options and hope would be far more effective than worrying about the few extreme examples.
Wealthy people will always have access to clinical abortions like Cohen purportedly arranged for Broidy to pay for.
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Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device
"A woman can do it with a coat hanger also with or without a lawyer or doctor."

Yes she can, that's called Darwinism. She can also give it up for adoption. Last time I checked, there are no large orphanages in this country. Babies get placed.

"If you have such concern about the unborn, a focus on making the great majority unnecessary"

The vast majority of unwanted pregnancies are already unnecessary. In this country, at this time, there are all kinds of ways to not get pregnant. Is this news to you?

"and hope "

And what is more hopeful than placing a baby with a couple that cannot have one of their own, but desperately want one?

"far more effective than worrying about the few extreme examples."

Says the guy who started this post with warnings of coat hangers. Because that's not posturing or fear-mongering...
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