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Old 02-13-2019, 10:43 AM   #16
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
Trump turned down more $ previously but he still doesn't understand his strengths and weaknesses - all important to be any type of negotiator - never mind a great negotiator. Hopefully Hannity and Coulter allow him to sign the deal. I understand that the border agents want a wall but they aren't seeing the big picture. Doesn't it mean anything to you that all the Reps along the border don't want the 1,000 mile border Trumps wants? How about that the vast majority of drugs are coming through the border checkpoints or that a bigger problem is people overstaying their visa? There are smarter ways to spend money than to blindly put $ into a wall when you can do other things w/that $.
"I understand that the border agents want a wall but they aren't seeing the big picture"

Please explain this "big picture" which trumps the little picture presented by the actual subject matter experts.

"Doesn't it mean anything to you that all the Reps along the border don't want the 1,000 mile border Trumps wants?"

First, I have seen many representatives as well as Ted Cruz, endorse Trump's wall, so it's not anywhere near unanimous. Second, if cops on the scene say a wall will help, and politicians 2,000 miles away saw we don't, I give a lot more weight to what the little guy says. The border patrol agents aren't pandering to a base for votes, they are motivated by what they think is right. In my opinion, the democrats care more about denying Trump a victory, than they care about solving problems. These are the same jerks who sat at the SOTU and felt no need to celebrate our past and recent successes. Some of them (not all) are motivate by politics, not motivated to solve problems.

What is your response to that?

When agents on the scene say we need a wall and point to specific cases where walls have clearly worked, and the democrat reply is that walls are evil and racist, I know which side I believe and which side I'm laughing at.
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