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Old 02-19-2019, 10:29 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
You think Trump can do no wrong

This is an absurd, ignorant, display of intellectual inebriation. Drunkeness leads to false and silly absolutes.

and are a constant defender, sad.

Apparently, you have a problem when someone you constantly attack is defended against false accusations. I understand how that can be sad for you when the beast that occupies your besotted brain is defended.

And if anyone hits at Don the Con you attack.

If you could dry out from your phrenic intoxication of hateful obsession with Trump, you would notice that there are many occasions that I don't respond to hits at the Don. Some are funny, most are too obviously stupid to care about, and some are true.

Michael Cohen figured it out, just took him a long time. You will also, sooner or later.

I'm sure that if Mueller was threatening me with certain life imprisonment I'd strongly consider copping a plea.

But yours was a deflection from my question "Are you arguing for or against identity politics when you claim special status for black unemployment?"
You didn't ask me that question. You asked Jim.

Last edited by detbuch; 02-19-2019 at 10:58 AM..
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