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Old 02-21-2019, 11:33 AM   #73
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
Conservatives never make #^&#^&#^&#^& up

This morning we learned the utterly unsurprising news that the loon who’s—allegedly—been mailing crude bombs to every Democratic politician and TV talking head he could think of is—allegedly—a gentleman named Cesar Sayoc, who seems to be devoted to Donald Trump. And since then a few ordinarily chatty folks on Twitter have gone inexplicably radio silent.
Some talking heads in Trumpworld, you see, had backed themselves into a bit of a corner over the last few days, making increasingly bombastic pronouncements and speculations—they were just asking questions!—that the perpetrator was not a mentally imbalanced Republican, but a crooked, calculating #^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^&#^& looking to drum up sympathy for the Democratic party before the midterms.

Dinesh D'Souza

Fake sexual assault victims. Fake refugees. Now fake mail bombs. We are all learning how the media left are masters of distortion, deflection & deception

11:21 AM - Oct 25, 2018

Bill Mitchell

This guy Cesar is looking like a "sleeper" implanted by the Democrats just for such an occasion as this. I mean, c'mon, that van is ridiculous.

12:24 PM - Oct 26, 2018

Candace Owens

Rush Limbaugh

Lou Dobbs

Ann Coulter

Donald Trump

Hey, don’t act so surprised! President Trump can never resist a good Twitter conspiracy, and he let rip with his own spin on the formula Friday morning:

Republicans are doing so well in early voting, and at the polls, and now this “Bomb” stuff happens and the momentum greatly slows - news not talking politics. Very unfortunate, what is going on. Republicans, go out and vote!

9:19 AM - Oct 26, 2018

That's just one issue, we could go into lies about immigrants and asylum seekers.

But never fear we can forgive conservatives ignorance of facts, though this is science and likely fake.

As of August 1, fact-checkers found that Donald Trump made 4,229 false or misleading statements during his brief presidency, enough to require a container ship to haul them whenever he travels abroad.

At the same time, he’s still supported by 91 percent of Republicans. Why the dichotomy? Science has an explanation.

The non-partisan Pew Research Center surveyed 5,000 people, presenting them with 10 statements -- five of which were factual, and five mere opinion – asking them to identify each. Across the board, people age 49 and under more accurately separated fact from pretense of fact. Or to put it less politely, those 50 and older were decidedly more gullible.

The reason, researchers speculate, is that younger people are more digitally savvy, and thus have more finely tuned bull#^&#^&#^&#^& meters. They’re also considerably more educated and less likely to identify with a specific party, meaning they’re less prone to confuse doctrine for truth.

This presents a problem for Republicans. As a general rule, the older you are, the more conservative you’re likely to be. Which leads us to a second study by Britain’s famed Oxford University.

Researchers there monitored 47,000 U.S. Facebook pages and 13,500 Twitter accounts, tracking who was mostly likely to read or peddle “junk news,” defined as sites that “deliberately publish misleading, deceptive or incorrect information.”

Their findings: “Hard-right” conservatives shared more fake news stories than all other groups combined. Despite their protestations, they’re also the largest consumers of fake news.

Combine the two studies, and one might conclude that conservatives aren’t propagating fraud on purpose. They simply can’t tell the difference. And that’s reflected in their choice of news outlets.

When Fairleigh #^&#^&#^&#^&inson University researchers tried to equate civic knowledge with various news sources, it asked people basic questions like, "Which party has the most seats in the House of Representatives?"

Viewers of Fox News, the televised arm of the GOP, scored at the bottom of 30 popular news sources. In fact, the survey found that viewers of Fox were less informed than people who followed no news at all.

So, dear reader, the next time you see online commenters talk of “crisis actors,” the “deep state,” or migrant gangs coming to take Minnesota’s lake homes, show some mercy. They know not what they speak.
"Conservatives never make #^&#^&#^&#^& up"

Once again, you respond to something that no one has ever said. Sure, there are tons of conservatives who lie. Is there a pattern of making up crimes to punish liberals we disagree with?

"As of August 1, fact-checkers found that Donald Trump made 4,229 false or misleading statements during his brief presidency,"

How many of those lies were told in the hopes of imprisoning the people being lied about? That's what we're talking about. Try to keep up.
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