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Old 02-21-2019, 03:42 PM   #6
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
Show me the quote from people at CNN saying that, I heard them say either way it was bad. You certainly think, that someone did something really stupid, was a good outcome and it fits right into your narrative.

How's this fit into the Narrative?

Liberals hurt themselves, Conservatives kill others might be the narrative.

‘Domestic terrorist’ intended to ‘murder on a scale rarely seen’
Federal prosecutors have described a serving lieutenant in the US coast guard as a “domestic terrorist” after uncovering his alleged plot to murder Democratic members of Congress, high-profile journalists and civilians “on a scale rarely seen” in the US. Christopher Hasson, a marine corps veteran currently posted to coast guard HQ in Washington DC, is also thought to be a neo-Nazi, who stockpiled at least 15 guns and 1,000 rounds of ammunition at his basement apartment in Silver Spring, Maryland.

Hit list. In a filing to federal court in Maryland, prosecutors said Hasson kept a spreadsheet of his intended targets, which included Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar, as well as several journalists from CNN and MSNBC.
"Show me the quote from people at CNN saying that"

Here's the quote...

Boykin, a CNN commentator, who said he’s known Smollet for eight years, was "devastated" by the news.

“It’s heartbreaking," he said. "I’m hoping still despite all the overwhelming evidence that is presented that it’s not true

If you're hoping it's not true that he made this up, that necessarily means you are hoping that the hate crime actually happened.

"You certainly think, that someone did something really stupid, was a good outcome and it fits right into your narrative."

Look Einstein, either this bigoted hate crime happened, or it didn't. I hop it didn't. That means this guy made it up, and I'm sorry for that, I'm not calling for his head, I feel sorry for the guy, although if he did it just to get a salary increase, that's pretty darn bad.

My agenda is to address the real hate and get past the fake hate. If your agenda is a lot different than that, that's your problem.

"Liberals hurt themselves, Conservatives kill others might be the narrative"

Right, right. The 500 murders every year in Chicago, are done by the tiny minority on the city who are Republicans? Or is it all white Republicans from the suburbs who come in to shoot blacks? Stockbrokers and surgeons from the suburbs, go into the city on weekends to shoot blacks, is that what it is?

You're not worth talking to, it took that comment for me to realize that. It was such a stupid, demonstrably false, divisive comment. One of the dumbest things I've ever read.

BOTH SIDES have homicidal maniacs. Hate to break it to you.
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