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Old 02-21-2019, 08:00 PM   #10
Jim in CT
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If Trump REALLY, REALLY wants to give the liberals the final shove to send them off the cliffs of insanity, if he wants to destroy the last speck of sanity left in their brains, he should pardon this guy. If he did do, they'd nominate Stalin to run against him in 2020. I think this guy is insane, probably doesn't belong in prison, and he might like it there anyways. Flip the script and pardon him, and watch the left's final descent into the depths of insanity (not a very long trip from where they are at the moment)

And Don Lemon says it's not the Smollett's fault, because "maybe, who knows", his agents put him up to it. Isn't he still responsible for oh the hell with it...

Last edited by Jim in CT; 02-21-2019 at 08:09 PM..
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