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Old 02-22-2019, 11:07 AM   #28
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
Exactlly. Stupid people do stupid stuff every day.
I agree with that, and often it's me doing the stupid stuff.

But there are a million ways you can perpetrate a hoax. Why did he pick this exact scenario, where white Trump supporters attacked him for being black and gay? Why do you think, of the limitless choices available to him, he selected to fabricate a racist and homophobic attack at the hands of white Trump supporters. Maxine Waters, a member of Congress, explicitly blamed Trump.

I saw an hysterical actress on a late night show essentially blame Pence, she was quivering and shaking, saying that if Pence dedicates his life to hating people, he can't be surprised when these things happen. This is the same Pence who repealed an Indiana state law, which said that Christian business owners don't have to participate in gay weddings, he acted exactly the way Smollett would have wanted him to. But that doesn't matter. Pence is white with grey hair, so being a victim at his hand, is a badge of honor that comes with significant rewards. THAT is what Smollett was seeking.

There were two actual hate crimes recently, a conservative at Berkley (the place of tolerance) who got assaulted for his beliefs, and that maniac in the Coast Guard who wanted to kill democrats. Scary times.
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