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Old 02-26-2019, 02:38 PM   #24
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
But as usual, you spend your time defending Don the Con with butthurt imaginary issues.
The fact that you keep saying this, shows how either dishonest, or unhinged, you are.

I despise him. I have more reason to despise him than you do. But I criticize him for things he actually says and does, and I don't criticize him for things that I'm fine when others do.

When I point out the naked hypocrisy, you accuse me of whataboutism. So the problem isn't that you're a hypocrite, the character flaw is mine for pointing out rank hypocrisy.

Try. Making. That. Wrong.

Look no further than the kids in cages issue, no liberals gave a damn when Obama did it, no one even knew Obama was doing it, and if anyone knew, they sure didn't care. But when Trump did it, then it became immoral, then it was a crisis!!!!!

Same with the wall, which was swell in 2006 and in 2013, but now it's unnecessary, now walls don't work, and not only that, walls are racist and immoral!!!

I'm not asking you to be Sean Hannity and lick Trumps boots. But it would be nice if you stuck to actual ethical lapses (of which there are more than enough to keep you busy), and if possible, don't criticize him for things you gave Obama a pass for. Or at least explain the discrepancy?
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