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Old 02-26-2019, 03:22 PM   #7
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
Who in the Obama campaign or administration was charged with a crime or convicted of one?

I do find it comical that Trump chooses the place he avoided as a young adult by lying about his health to meet with the man he loves.
Are they having a bad hairstyle convention.
"Trump policy charged ALL parents and separated ALL children"

If we're talking about people who came here illegally, aren't they all criminals? At least until some might be designated as refugees seeking asylum? Also, a lot of the criticism of Trump on this issue, was the cages themselves, not the differentiation between criminals and non criminals.

"WALLS are not needed perhaps fences in some locations"

Again, that's NOT what the democrats voted said in 2006 and 2013, and NO ONE said walls were unnecessary or immoral then. No one said that. How come?

Obama's head of the Border Patrol, as well as 80% of border patrol agents polled., saw that increased barriers will help. They're all wrong?

Now you are trying to split hairs between a wall and a fence. You're also saying that walls might help in some areas, which is what Trump is proposing. He' snot proposing a wall from coast to coast, just in the areas where experts say they'll do the most good. So you seem to be agreeing with him!

"Who in the Obama campaign or administration was charged with a crime or convicted of one?"

People under his watch used the IRS as a club against conservatives, who did nothing wrong except be conservative. And his Sec State, HRC, might well have been charged, but Bill had that private meeting with the AG on his plane with no reporters allowed to hear it, so who knows...But you are correct, Trump has surrounded himself with some very crooked people.

"I do find it comical that Trump chooses the place he avoided as a young adult "

Do you know who Senator Blumenthal is, from my state of CT? Do you know what he did? I've never seen you complain about it...he lied, multiple times, about serving in Vietnam. After he got caught, he got elected, and was put on the Armed Services Committee. Can't make that up.
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