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Old 02-27-2019, 11:32 AM   #12
Jim in CT
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Let me walk you through this.

A great many people on my side do not personally like Donald Trump. But how can you wonder why even highly educated, cultured people are willing to overlook the President's vulgarity when the mainstream on your side is now in favor of killing babies who are born alive?

This is my point: what seemed outlandish and crazy and moronic 50, even 20 years ago (killing babies born alive, banning cows, banning cars, having boys dressed as girls winning girls' track meets because they are whatever they say they are) is now well within the mainstream on the Democrat side. Where are all the moderate Democrats saying, "Whoa there! Wait a second! If you're advocating the killing of babies outside the womb that's just a bridge too far for me!"

50 years ago Bradley Manning would have been simply imprisoned, possibly executed (hopefully not) executed for desertion and treason. Now, instead of standing him up in front of a firing squad, we are all paying for his "gender reassignment surgery" with our tax dollars.

And THAT is why we have President Trump.

What did you expect people like me to do, vote for someone who is in favor of infanticide but whose vocabulary is admittedly more refined than Donald Trump's? How shallow and unprincipled do you think we are?
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