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Old 02-27-2019, 10:04 PM   #17
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
Jim, you don’t seem to understand anything about the motivation for this bill, or late term abortion in general.

Not one of Ben’s best moments.

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"Jim, you don’t seem to understand anything about the motivation for this bill"

I make no claim to being a great mind-reader. If it was purely political, it may have worked.

"or late term abortion in general."

Again and again and again, insults with no evidence.

I posted a video of a woman who survived a late-term abortion when she was a baby. She says she was healthy, as was her mom, and that the late-term abortion was purely elective. On its face, this bill would require that doctors attempt to care for babies like her, who survive. The senate democrats blocked it.

I also know that NY passed a law saying that moms can get a late term abortion for any reason whatsoever, and that Cuomo was so delighted, he ordered buildings to be lit in pink. It was a cause for celebration for him. Yippeee!!!

So please, enlighten me, show us all, what all my misunderstandings are, on late term abortion. I'm guessing most late term abortions are done when the baby has little chance of surviving. If that's the case, what's the harm in caring for the baby for the brief time that it's still alive? Maybe, just maybe, it will feel warm and welcome and loved during ts brief time on Earth?

But that's a cracker outlook, I know. Sophisticated people like you, know the best thing to do is to end it with a scalpel and a syringe of saline. I'm just not that evolved, I suppose.

And as to the senate democrats who said the bill was an attack on womens health...any chance you can answer a specific question? Hpw is the woman's health a factor in this, when the baby s born and the umbilical cord has been cut? How is it still "her body, her choice"?

Have fun with that.

If democrats think the way to beat Trump, is to embrace the notion that Willie Horton can share a bathroom with 9 year-old girls, that boys can compete athletically with girls, that it's bad when Amazon wants 3B in tax incentives in exchange for providing 25B in tax revenue, and to celebrate late-term abortion and infanticide, the GOP won't try to stop the embrace of those ideals.

When is it no longer the mom's right to decide that her baby doesn't deserve to live? When is it no longer "her body, her choice"?

This bill was also proposed in the IL state legislature when Obama was a state senator. Being the fearless leader he is, he voted "present". A heck of a thing to not have an opinion on.

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