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Old 02-28-2019, 04:12 PM   #27
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
I don't see how this is much different than taking someone off of life support under professional medical care. A doctor wouldn't allow it unless the chances of survival were very low or there were other very serious circumstances.

Funny, I was out working for the economy and listening to nascar engines.

Current law wouldn't allow for her abortion today unless there was a legitimate medical reason.

See above.

If viability is established there would be no abortion. See above.

I just did.

Jim, sometimes a non-viable birth happens and the family wants to spend a few moments before death. Under the Senate bill a doctor would/could go to jail if they didn't take the infant away for medical care. This proposal is a political stunt.

Nobody is saying let's celebrate late term abortions for any reason, it's not the law, it's not public opinion and I don't think it's the position of any US politician.

Like I said, you don't seem to understand most of this.
"A doctor wouldn't allow it unless the chances of survival were very low or there were other very serious circumstances."

So what would the GOP law have required, that the democrats didn't like?

And please give me an example of "very serious circumstances", which don't impact the probability of survival, but which would be a valid reason to fail to care for the baby?

"Current law wouldn't allow for her abortion today unless there was a legitimate medical reason."

Wrong. Under NY law, the mom can say she's anxious and stressed. Again, the interview I posted, was with a woman who says she and her mother were healthy, and yet her mom chose a late term abortion, which she survived.

What is the legitimate medical reason to have a very late term abortion? The mom gives birth anyway, it's just that she gives birth to a dead baby instead of a live one.

"Jim, sometimes a non-viable birth happens and the family wants to spend a few moments before death"

I said multiple times I was talking about viable babies. I agree, somewhat, on the non viable situation, though I still can't see why it's too much to ask that someone hold the baby at least.

"Nobody is saying let's celebrate late term abortions for any reason"

That's exactly what Cuomo said and did.

"This proposal is a political stunt."

If the point was to show how soul-less and devoid of empathy the left is today, mission accomplished.
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