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Old 03-03-2019, 01:55 PM   #54
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Originally Posted by detbuch View Post
So, rather than prove the content of the video to be wrong, you attempt to change my "world" by sticking words in it that were not expressed. "Take over" was your attempt to transform my "world."

Please try to stick to the subject rather than trying to change it. That would be an actual conversation, from which an actual transfer of knowledge and the true change of a "world" can occur.

The video did not "suggest" a whole lot other than the irony of Democrats trying to pin collusion with Russia on Trump when Dems are in bed with Communists. That was the minimal "suggestion" part. The bulk of the video was the naming of several Communists who are and were helping to get Dems elected.

If that's OK with you, of no particular consequence, then, to be fair, I would suppose that it's OK with you that so called right wing extremists are associated with Republicans. If you won't complain about one, why would you complain about the other?

infiltration a method of attack in which small bodies of soldiers or individual soldiers penetrate the enemy's line at weak or unguarded points in order to assemble behind the enemy position and attack it from the rear, harass enemy rear-area installations, etc.

so are they attacking the democrats or helping them?? because your clip uses the word infiltration I am confused
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