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Old 03-04-2019, 03:35 PM   #13
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
In Conn. the governor submits the proposed budget to the state legislature in February and then The legislature adopts a budget in early summer.

We as a state have decided that we want a certainly level of a saftey net and do not want be like those conserv. utopia states like KS, KY, etc. Utah voters overwhelmingly passed a law to expand medicaid and then the legislature rolled back the scope and impact of the expansion. I think the Maine Rebup. govenor did the same thing even though the feds pays the vast majority. It is bc they viewed those people on medicare as takers and we know how Repub. hate takers.

I'll stick w/the liberal states and you can go to the conserv. states. I like that we believe in good education for all, culture, science and the willingness to take care of the less fortunate.
"then The legislature adopts a budget in early summer."

And the budget adopted by the legislature, is voted up or down, by the governor. His budget may serve as a starting point, I guess. But "the" budget that is passed, goes from the legislature to the governor, right??

In any event, as I said, being a Republican, especially in this state, doesn't make you a conservative.. They didn't do anything conservative, either because they chose not to, or because the legislature blocked them. But in any event, no one can say that in CT, conservatism has been tried and it failed. It has never been tried, not even close, not by any stretch.

"We as a state have decided that we want a certainly level of a saftey net and do not want be like those conserv. utopia states like KS, KY, etc"

yeah, that's some effective safety net we have in our cities. What we have decided, is that the legislature will give a blank check to labor unions, which is the only way you have a retired UCONN professor who no one has ever heard of, with a 300k-a-year pension, while vital social services (the safety net you alluded to), get cut. Everyone I know who works for true social services in this state, says at their budgets are cut every year, despite massive tax hike sand increased spending. Because the spending isn't, in fact, funding safety nets for those who need it, the spending is on fat pensions and cheap healthcare for labor unions.

I also never heard anyone say we should emulate KS or KY. Of course, when discussing conservative economies, you run to the flops. How about NH, NC, SC, GA, TX, FL? There are places within those states that are (1) very low tax, and (2) offer a high quality of life. CT has precisely zero places like that.

" like that we believe in good education for all"

Yeah, the education in the cities is great.

"the willingness to take care of the less fortunate labor unions.".

Fixed it.
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