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Old 03-06-2019, 01:27 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
The majority know to request asylum at the border, either at an official port of entry or when they surrender to border agents shortly after sneaking into the country from Mexico.

Yeah, they know the trick. Wonder how they learned that. Was that part of their public or catholic school education?

Whether they sneak into the country in remote areas or enter the country through a port of entry, most migrants are trying to petition for asylum.

And the great majority of those who actually do later show up at court and go through the process are denied asylum because they don't have valid reasons to get it. But they know the trick. Ask for Asylum. Then don't report to court and settle somewhere in America.

Congress has provided nearly $1.7 billion to build or replace fencing on the southern border, but the Administration has hardly spent any of that money, and the projects it has undertaken have ballooned in cost. So far, only six percent of those funds have been spent. Six.”

Sounds like a typical government program. They usually cost more than projected and take longer than expected.

So Trumps only spent 6% to build or replacing Has sent the national guard several times Trump administration paid a private company $13.6 million to recruit thousands of Border Patrol agents, and they've hired 2 so far congress gave him another including $1.375 billion in the shut down bill Yet we are expected to believe he needs 8 billion more to stop .. his inmangary invasion or infiltration of migrants most who are seeking Asylum...

It's not imaginary. It's real. And the numbers invading are going up. Even the NYT says so.

If those countries weren't so f uped ( Thanks the our involvement in the 80s ) they'd have no reason to leave ... unintentional consequences.... and No wall can fix that epic failure

So if U.S intervention f's a country up, better that we don't intervene. Stay out of their countries and stop giving them money. I think Trump has proposed doing that. Those countries can embrace socialism and f themselves up quite well without our help or intervention.

That doesn't mean we must mea culpa take millions of unqualfied immigrants from those countries. In a very material way, transferring millions of their dissatisfied citizens to here would be interfering with the ability of the masses from those countries to exercise their necessary revolution. "You have nothing to lose but your chains" doesn't mean moving to the U.S. It means actual revolution. If they all wish to become Cuba or Venezuela, they should be allowed to do so. Now better than later. They can create their socialist paradises without our help. Even better without our help.

Curious, how does it help those countries by taking away huge portions of their population--especially those who are reputed to be the more industrious and willing to work, even for low wages?

And People who dont support this wall are not the open border supporters that Trump loves to claim we are We are just see things for what they are a stunt for his base not the country another scam .. no different them him Hugging the Flag .... all an act ... But his base
think he is authentic .. ya ok
That's a lot of unsubstantiated, hateful sounding gibberish--the kind of thing that PaulS would call angry if Jim said it.

Last edited by detbuch; 03-06-2019 at 01:37 PM..
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