Thread: #SummaCumLiar
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Old 03-06-2019, 03:22 PM   #1
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Got Stripers View Post
Like I said before the right and the boot licking GOP are ok with the means as long as they justify the ends. Too many superlatives (none positive) to describe Trump, the convictions mounting, the lies hard to even count at this point, the quantities of quality people jumping ship, the American brand diminished world wide, but we are winning right?
I'm on the right, but don't lick his boots. I do think there's value in remembering that his presidency is judged on both his personal ethics, and whether or not his policies make our lives better. I see you, Pete, Spence, WDMSO, and to a lesser extent Paul, giving 100% weight to his personal ethics, and 0% weight to his results. Would you do that with the guy who runs your company? Would you rather have a decent guy who can't do anything right, or a mean SOB who cheats on his wife at home, but leads your company to success?

"Like I said before the right and the boot licking GOP left are ok with the means painting him in the most negative light possible as long as they justify the ends forget how it felt when he destroyed their candidate and made them all look like morons in the process. Too many superlatives (none positive) to describe Trump (not even 'one who is improving the economy, despite all the evidence to the contrary), the convictions mounting (none against him, but why let that get in the way), the lies hard to even count at this point, the quantities of quality people jumping ship (people we all hated when they first joined the ship, but let's revise history because it helps us paint him in a negative light), the American brand diminished world wide (tell that to ISIS), but we are winning right? Ummm, yes."

Fixed it for you.

By what standard is the 'American Brand' diminished worldwide? Are immigrants refusing to come here, and choosing Canada instead? Is that what all these caravans' ultimate goal is, to walk to Canada? Because our brand is diminished? If our brand can handle a guy who apologized for all of our shortcomings, it can handle a guy who thinks we're all that and a bag of chips.

Last edited by Jim in CT; 03-06-2019 at 03:56 PM..
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