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Old 03-08-2019, 10:58 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
I certainly don't see anyone in Congress saying squat. And what I mostly hear is "This all boils down to, he beat them. he beat them at their own game - fighting dirty, lying, smearing, and insulting his opponents. He beat them at their own game, he pulverized them at their own game, by winning the election."

It's the first time I heard it expressed succinctly like that--and it's pretty right on. Your "mostly" angle is puzzling. You do seem to have this quantitative "more" meme buzzing in your brain.

Your prejudice against Muslims shows again, Perhaps a little reflection on what Christianity's views of other religions and history of oppression might change your opinion, but I doubt it

Do you have a prejudice against Christians? Why should Jim reflect on Christian views in respect to this Omar matter? And hasn't past Christian oppression been duly criticized and reversed?

And she took responsibility and apologized
Who has NEVER apologized

If you're referring to Trump, I recall that he apologized for his foul language in the Access Hollywood tapes. But requiring him to apologize for phony stuff like his supposedly white supremacist Charlottesville remarks, and Muslim violence in Sweden, etc. is pure politics. It was clear to any honest person that he didn't mean what the left claimed.

And wasn't King removed from his committee assignment for supposed white nationalist remarks?

Go to the wall for Trump as usual
As usual, you want to tear the wall down.
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