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Old 03-08-2019, 03:38 PM   #39
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
You're wrong, read her words, not the sound bite.
"Bosnia 1995 8000 men and boys killed in Srebrenica is the most recent that comes to mind"

A sincere question...the leaders of what church, told the killers to do this? The leaders of what religion, told their followers to do this?

You can argue abortion clinic bombers are Christian terrorists, except there isn't a recognized leader of any sect of Christianity, telling them to bomb abortion clinics, because that's not in line with Christianity.

When the Pope tells me to kill Jews or Muslims, I switch religions.

"read her words, not the sound bite."

She said she wants Allah to show the world, that we are being hypnotized by Israel. That's not being opposed to Israeli policy, that's being opposed to Israel.

You claim I bend over backwards to defend Trump, when I bash him all the time. Yet you are twisting around like a contortionist, to avoid criticizing this vile hen.
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