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Old 03-14-2019, 02:29 PM   #97
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
She's a gift to the right fox and jim and all the other impressionable Conservatives who claim they are free thinkers ... AOC gives them someone to attack rather then having to defend Trump daily

they talk about the green deal as if it's going to Trump's desk to be signed .. yet they are ambivalent when it comes to Trump's end around of congress his new Budget proposal or the deBt increase ..

yet focus on The 1st year Congresswomen.. Fox runs a min of a new AOC stories daily

18 stories in 2 days
"She's a gift to the right "

You finally got one right.

"AOC gives them someone to attack rather then having to defend Trump daily"

Who defends Trump here daily?

"they talk about the green deal as if it's going to Trump's desk to be signed "

All the democrats running, have endorsed it. So it's true and worth mentioning that if the democrats pick up the Senate and the White House, there's reason to believe we will be taken down that path, which would mean we'd be eating zoo animals in a month.

"yet they are ambivalent when it comes to Trump's end around of congress his new Budget proposal or the debt increase "

I have complained about the debt many, many times. It's a disaster, and some of it is Obama's doing as well. Di you care then? I am saying the same thing about the debt now, that I did when Obama was POTUS. I'll bet you didn't say chit about the debt from 09-16.

"yet focus on The 1st year Congresswomen"

She's the leader of that party at the moment. Make that wrong?

" Fox runs a min of a new AOC stories daily "

I'm not the one who blindly posts every negative story about politicians I don't like. I do it when I think it matters. If she is saying that banks are responsible for the operators of projects they finance, banks will stop lending money. Maybe you see nothing wrong with that, with your limited experience in, and knowledge of, the private sector.
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