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Old 03-21-2019, 09:24 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
Can I ask you something? Obviously, you feel like many of the non-democrats here, refuse to acknowledge that Trump isn't a saint, and that all we do is defend him and deflect attention away from the terrible things he says and does.

Here is my question...who here, exactly, acts that way? You're acting like we're all a bunch of Sean Hannity's.

Do you know how to read? Read the responses to your original post. TDF was openly critical of Trump, so was Dangles, so was John, so was I.

I'll go slow here, and try to use small words...

We. All. Agree. With. You. That. He's. Not. A. Good. Guy. No. One. Denies. This. No. One. He. Has. Terrible. Ethics.

You think the world is broken into two groups, those who voted for Hilary, and those who think Trump is a God. That's not close to being true. You constantly accuse me of being a Trump apologist, and I can't stand the guy.

Take off your tin foil hat, put down the Kool Aid, and read what we are saying. Respond to what we are actually saying. You keep saying we refuse to acknowledge Trumps many many flaws. Who are you referring to?
Tin foil hat I find it comical your answer to Trump is summed up with he has terrible ethics ..

That's my biggest issue with Trump supporters it's far bigger than just terrible ethics .

And based on how current Trump supporters framed Obama for his past 8 year . And if he did and said a fraction of what Trump has said and done OMG... talk about hypocritical

For me Trump has diminished the office of the Potus to new lows never witnessed and not because he's a Republican or orange

But by his own hand and of those whom he brought with him to Drain the Swamp but no one seems to care what he put back once drained
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device
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