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Old 03-26-2019, 03:11 PM   #137
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
As you claimed in your post, which I read, perhaps you did not, so for your edification I will quote it here.
"HOW MANY TIMES do these morons have to end up with egg on their faces, before they just wait for investigations to take place? Duke lacrosse, hands up don't shoot, the Rolling Stone U-VA rape case, the Covington kids, now this."

Of course he's been exonerated now, that's defined as not going forward with a prosecution in your book, isn't it?
"Of course he's been exonerated now"

The hell he has. The prosecutors specifically said, "this is not an exoneration".

Paul, we know he said it was white guys wearing MAGA hats who attacked him, we know in reality it was black friends of his, we know he paid them, we know they bought the rope. We know he refused to turn over his phone, and when he did, it had been cleansed. Is any of that in dispute?

Let's let the FBI look into whether or not he emailed the letter to himself with white powder. I will happily live with whatever they conclude.
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