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Old 04-01-2019, 03:27 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
Yea, envy of food, envy of healthcare, envy of safety, envy of due process, envy of...I could go on for a while.
You're misusing the word envy here. It would be strange to envy inanimate objects, concepts, or the produce rather than the producer. When we use the word envy, we usually apply it to actual people and the jealous desire to have what they have. We are envious of other people, not of the things they have.

Envy is mostly a hateful unproductive and often self-destructive feeling that can also lead to destruction of others. It could be positive if it leads to motivation to better oneself. But, in your sense that when "one group has such a concentration of power there always will be critics", the focusing on criticism is the basis for negative envy.

Beyond that basic hateful and unproductive condition though, your implication that whites have a concentration of power that must be criticized, to the point of condemning or accusing whites and their supposed condensed mass of power for being the cause of others lack of food, health care, safety, due process, and all the depravations of non-whites is thoughtless and dangerous. It is a perfidious envy of something that doesn't exist.

The vast majority of whites in this country do not have the power to deprive non-whites of the things you mention. Nor do they have the desire to do so. It is deceitful to claim that there is a concentration of power in white people here. Power, perceived as racial, is far more typical in Asia and Africa and the Middle East. Compared to them, power in the U.S. is not a monolithic expression of race. Power has more successfully been disseminated in diverse ways here, including racially, than in most other places. And whites have been at the forefront of making that happen.

You say that you could go on for a while. Sadly, that is exactly the way of thinking that leftists have been implanting in the psyche of the American mind for quite some time. You're one of the many thoughtful people who have been persuaded to believe in a notion which was designed to divide us in order to "transform" us.

Last edited by detbuch; 04-01-2019 at 05:30 PM..
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