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Old 04-11-2019, 11:31 AM   #1
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Immigrants who are in California illegally make up 38% of the agriculture industry Jobs americans won't do

"Jobs Americans won't do" is a fake talking point. Americans will do them if they have to. What's even more appropriate is that they would do them if those jobs paid more. Illegals who will work for less suppresses the wages to below what many Americans won't work for. The U6 method of counting the number of unemployed (the real number) hovers around 11 million, which is incidentally the supposed total number of illegals here--even those who are not working. So there are enough unemployed "Americans" to do the work. But illegals suppress the wages to an unacceptable level.

So from 2010 2019 the only things that changed is Trumps rhetoric

That's an extreme view. A lot of things have changed. And previous rhetoric that was more inviting to illegal immigration encouraged it. Opposition to the implementation of Trump's policies has maintained a status quo that is similar to the previous policies.

he has tried to use executive orders ( which now are acceptable for his supporters)

Executive orders that emanate from the Executive's actual constitutional power are "acceptable". Executive orders outside of constitutional power are not acceptable.

he hasn't attempted any meaningful immigration reform (his base wont allow that )

Meaningful immigration reform has not been made long before Trump--unless by "meaningful" you mean amnesty which invites more of the same, as well as other measures that make illegal immigration easier rather than actually stopping it (which a significant part of the Dem base won't allow).

south america has gone to #^&#^&#^&#^& not his fault ..


and we have the lowest unemployment in history

thank you Trump

so they are stealing our jobs doesn't fly any more .

See above.

So Trump does what he does on any topic he can't control he blames everyone else the courts homeland security mexico ..

Much of that blame is correct.

its cheeper to help these people where they live .. but foreign aid is Taboo for his base ... so they will keep coming its what desperate people do
Foreign aid has not helped. The mess continued and got worse in spite of foreign aid. The "aid" may well have helped to maintain the mess. Ultimately, the only "meaningful" solution is for those people and their governments to solve their own problem. Foreign aid helps to put off the hard, even revolutionary, work that needs to be done.
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