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Old 04-13-2019, 09:42 AM   #1
Jim in CT
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Trump wants to reward sanctuary cities with lots of illegals

For two years, I have heard liberals sing the praises of illegal
aliens - they are ethical, decent people, they make us stronger, they help our economy, they bring crime rates down, theybare the best of America, etc...

Then Trump, being the vindictive baby he is, threatens to send all the illegals to sanctuary cities.

Now, the same exact liberals who loved illegals yesterday, are now all appalled that Trump would dump them in their cities. That’s the term
they are all using, “dump”.

Dump is what you do with garbage. Like Trump is going to leave flaming bags of dog poop on their stoops, instead of the wonderful
people we were told they are.

Funny how their tune changes to one of pure racism, when Trump calls their bluff.

I’m not saying Trump has noble
motives here, he doesn’t. But the way these elitist liberals
turned into anti-Latino xenophobes at the thought of these people settling where THEY live, is a riot.
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