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Old 04-13-2019, 10:41 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
(originally posted by detbuch "Who said sanctuary cities are why they come here?")

"especially when the lack of cooperation by the others helps to create a draw for aliens to illegally cross the border."
Sanctuary cities are not mentioned in that last sentence that you quote me. Nor is that sentence referring to them as the reason why illegals come here.

What it refers to, if you read the whole paragraph which that sentence ends, is the ENTIRE lack of cooperation with ICE and the federal government (including the notion of not willing to foot the cost of holding aliens--the subject of your post to which my post was mainly responding, and to which you avoided rebutting). And all of that "helps" to create "a" draw, not "the" draw.

You don't seem to understand the different implications between definite articles "a" and "the." "A draw" is different in meaning than "the draw." "A" draw signifies one among others. But "the" draw denotes that there is only one. There are other reasons why they come which are helped to be realized by a draw that I mentioned,

Nowhere did I say that sanctuary cities are "the" reason they come here. Nor, even, "a" reason. I said that if cities "are not concerned about illegal aliens, even large numbers of them, in their community. . . I assume creating a sanctuary city is a statement of exactly that." And I added later that sanctuary cities are a "bonus" (not the reason).

I could consider that you're being dishonest when you twist and misconstrue as you're doing here, and have done many times before. But I think you are an honest person. So I assume that you either don't pay strict attention to what I've said (sloppy reading), or that you just don't understand it.

That's why I often say your posts are incoherent or illogical.
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