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Old 04-14-2019, 07:08 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
All asylum seekers ...

Then those stats don't reflect the number of Central Americans that showed up for their court appearance. If the number of those showing up included China and others who did so in greater percentages, then the total percentage is skewed higher than if only those from Central America are counted. And if from those Central Americans who claimed asylum and filed a petition at the border 31% didn't show for court date, and if 40% didn't even file an application after their initial border interview, then the percentage not going to court after seeking asylum at the border is pretty high.

Please post these DHS links

The DHS stats may not yet have been published. Katie Waldman, DHS press secretary stated the numbers in an interview.

I assume she knew what the numbers were and didn't just make them up.

Funny no one has issue with the China who alone accounted for an impressive 36% of the asylum grants .. here is the top 5
El Salvador

This chart is interesting
Asylum seekers from places like China, Ethiopia, and Nepal can probably present more substantial cases for asylum than those from Central America.
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