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Old 04-17-2019, 06:47 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by detbuch View Post
Again, you don't understand the meaning of the definite article "A." I said "A" black perspective, not "the" Black perspective.

I don't know why you asked If I am shocked. Where does that come from? What does that have to do with the video?

As usual, you, in one way or another, deflect from actually discussing a video that I post. I'm guessing that you dislike them and/or disagree with them. But making the video about me is evading the point of this forum--political discussion and debate. The search for truth and the back and forth discussions on points of view that can lead to some agreement on what is true and good as opposed to what is wrong and destructive.

I think that Owens and Elder are spot on in their opinions and statistics. And that they expose a connection with the Democrat party that is destructive to Blacks. I welcome you to dispute what they so eloquently say.

so in a nutshell they believe what you believe ... This post was about optics not content..

Candace owens (29) is the only person of color that Conservatives parade around. as an example as see we have black conserives (no kidding )

to bad they dont take time to read her History ... she's flip flopped more than Trump In less time

Owens was In a 2015 column that Owens wrote for the site she criticized conservative Republicans, writing about the "bat-#^&#^&#^&#^&-crazy antics of the Republican Tea Party", adding, "The good news is, they will eventually die off (peacefully in their sleep, we hope), and then we can get right on with the OBVIOUS social change that needs to happen, IMMEDIATELY.

By 2017, Owens had become known in conservative circles for her pro-Trump commentary and for criticizing liberal rhetoric regarding structural racism, systemic inequality, and identity politics

n October 2018, Owens launched the Blexit movement, a campaign to encourage African Americans to abandon the Democratic Party and register as Republicans.
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