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Old 04-17-2019, 08:01 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
Wasn't she the person who settled a racism case for 35K and then later said the US doesn't have a problem with racism?

Is that smearing her character to ask that?
Yes, it is a smear by the leftists because their narrative is false. They claim she said that racism is over in America. She did not say that. She said that America is not a racist country. Yes we have racists. That does not make us a racist country. Otherwise, if we accept the standard that having some racists makes a country racist, then I don't know of a country that isn't racist.

And the Owens family initial complaint was that the delay in arresting the teens was because one of them was the son of the mayor. They did not request the help of the NAACP. The NAACP saw another opportunity to show how racist America is and further the victim status of Blacks in this country, and jumped in to sue for racism. It was an NAACP maneuver, using the Owens family to implement it. But a racist country would not have allowed the suit, much less the verdict.

The left also tried destroying her by misrepresenting something she said about Hitler, portraying it as supporting him. And that support supposedly showing the true roots of why she doesn't see nationalism as the evil that the left sees it. Among other things, she has noted that when nationalism is mentioned, there is an immediate attachment of Hitler to it. Actually, she has stated that she despises Hitler. And that he was not a nationalist, but that he was more of a globalist, as shown by his desires to conquer all of Europe and Russia and make alliances with Italy and Japan and Muslim anti-Jews in the Middle East.

If you want to find a truly racist country, look to Asia, or Africa, or the Middle East. Those areas are rich in pervasive and legal racism.

Here is an article that says it better:

So yes, the effort by the left is not to accurately depict who she is and what she has said or believes, but to destroy her in whatever way possible because she is a threat to their anti-American narrative.

Last edited by detbuch; 04-17-2019 at 08:23 PM..
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