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Old 04-24-2019, 07:43 PM   #13
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
This whole thing is just fake outrage and a device conservatives are very practiced at. Make a ridiculous grand conspiracy charge, i.e. liberals hate Christians and then twist yourself into a pretzel to spin everything to support the narrative.
"This whole thing is just fake outrage"

So you have the ability to read people's minds. Impressive.

The idiot mayor of South Bend who is running for potus, has publicly said again and again and again (before announcing his run), what a good guy Pence is. But as soon as he declared his run, at that exact nanosecond, he decided Pence was a gay-bashing hatemonger, and has been bashing Pence non-stop,

Now, this mayor went to Harvard and Oxford, and worked at Mackenzie. So we can assume he's sharp. And for some reason, he has concluded it will benefit his campaign in the primary, if he goes on a mission to tell everyone how horrible Pences views on homosexuality are.

So here's my question to you, Spence, is why did this very smart guy, conclude that his popularity among democrats would increase, if he relentlessly bashed Christianity?

Answer...liberals hate christians!!!

And he claims to be a Christian, and expresses that, by embracing late term abortion and by smearing a nice guy. Hooray!!

If you read every history book ever written, you wouldn't find a comparable case of an entire political party so willingly throwing themselves upon the sword. These crazy ideas will play well in places that they will win anyway (CT and CA), if you think that's the way to win in OH, NC, and FL, good for you...
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