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Old 05-03-2019, 05:21 PM   #114
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
But I'm not.
You accept what Trump does with a little squealing but consistently acquiesce to his behavior.
Trump took an oath of office that says: I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.
Because you got some judges, a little raise and the economy is good, you are willing to accept:
1. Asking that Sessions drop the investigation, then when he would not do that, pardoning Joe Arpaio.

What's wrong with asking the AG to stop an investigation when you know that it is bogus? And asking is not abusing power. It didn't happen. There was no abuse.

2. Instructing Border Patrol officers to disobey the courts and turn back asylum seekers

The President has the power (and duty) to interpret the Constitution. The remedy is to take it to the highest court. And then to impeach. Presidents have often, historically, "disobeyed" the lower courts--even on occasion the Supreme one. In this case, half the people probably agreed that the abuse of the asylum laws by those falsely claiming asylum needed to be stopped.

3. Repeated calls for prosecution of his political enemies or rivals.

It's not an abuse of power to "call" for prosecution of those who are doing wrong and even abusing their own power.

4. Asking that the Postal Service raise rates for Amazon to punish Bezos

Again, asking is not abusing. And I thought you didn't approve of the monopoly that Amazon created for itself.

5. Removing security clearances because citizens criticized his policies.

That certainly is another oversimplification. It wasn't merely because of criticism. There were false accusations being made about Trump conspiring with Russia by those who probably new better. Someone willing to falsely bring down a President should certainly be considered a security risk.

6. Declassifying information for political purposes

If the political purpose is to expose political sabotage, declassification is the opposite of abuse.

7. Attacks on the press as enemies of the people

He didn't "attack" THE Press. He called out the fakers. And he quite often was right.

8. "very fine people"

How is it an abuse of power to say that there were very fine people on both sides of the debate on whether to take down statues. AND HE SPECIFICALLY SAID THAT HE WASN'T TALKING ABOUT THE WHITE SUPREMICISTS AND NEO NAZIS. Would you consider it an abuse of free speech for the media to falsely accuse him of saying that white supremacists and Nazis are very fine people?

9. "#^&#^&#^&#^&hole countries"

To which countries did he refer that wouldn't fit the spirit in which he made the comment? And how is it an abuse of power to make the comment?

10. Libelous statements without basis that citizens were treasonous.

You keep calling his statements an abuse of power. Saying that someone is treasonous is not an abuse of power. And if it's libelous, he can be sued for libel. And what about all those who accused him of being a traitor, including fake news? Were they abusing power?

11. His lies, now over 10,000

That's nonsense and not an abuse of power.

12. Paying off various pornstars and covering up the payments

That's not an abuse of power and a logical, sane thing to do.

13. Pursuing projects in Russia, while telling the people he had no anything in Russia


14. The emoluments clause and his blatant disregard for it.

Has this been adjudicated? Are you the judge and jury?

15. His involvement in the preelection efforts of his campaign to get Russian aid as detailed in the Mueller report.

I thought the Mueller report concluded there was no conspiracy between Trump and the Russians.

16. Declaring an emergency when Congress does not give him what he wants and then stating that he really did not need to.

Apparently there is an emergency. And whatever he declared about it is not an abuse of power.

There are more but remember Trump took an oath of office that says: I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.
He has abused his power incessantly and you are ok with that because?
At what point is enough enough?
You seem to be overwrought over very little. Although you do keep trying to blow it up into something HYYUUGE. I have to admire your persistence. It ain't easy.

Last edited by detbuch; 05-03-2019 at 06:13 PM..
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