Thread: Barr testimony
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Old 05-07-2019, 12:47 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
34 indictments isn't zero, it's a huge pile. If all those Trump campaign members didn't think they were doing something wrong why would they lie to the feds about it?

They weren't about the Russian conspiracy. It would have been an extreme aberration to have unlimited access into the lives of powerful people and not find something wrong. Everybody knew such things would be found, and was probably one of the reasons for expanding the investigation. It was expected. And some of the stuff was process "crime" not preexisting. And nearly half of the indictments were on Russians who everybody knew would never be brought to trial. Most of the indictments you refer to amounted to show asides to make the investigation seem worthwhile. If they hadn't occurred, the world would not have noticeably or relevantly changed or been affected.

If Trump didn't think he was doing anything wrong why would he repeatedly work to obstruct justice?

He knew that he was not guilty of conspiracy, and saw a concerted and powerful attempt to wrongly convict him and bring his Presidency to an end and a destruction of his and his family's life. In effect, he was trying to promote justice, not obstruct it.

Seriously, you have an administration that universally acted in a duplicitous manner, encouraged illegal behavior for personal gain, colluded with adversaries for personal gain, habitually lied to the American people, tried to obstruct the investigation into their behavior and is still working to obstruct investigations into their behavior.

Anyone got a flag to hug?
Sure, let's wave the flag high and proud. Your description describes the basic nature of most Presidential administrations after the first handful, or less. And any that had or would have had an attempt to wrongly bring them down, to destroy them, would not have acted much differently in trying to stop that.

Last edited by detbuch; 05-07-2019 at 05:24 PM..
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