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Old 05-09-2019, 09:29 AM   #1
Jim in CT
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CNN and MSNBC say Trump is a loser

OK, I didn't watch ANY TV last night, so I just saw some clips of the "breaking" news (actually news that first broke 25 years ago) that Trump lost huge money from 1985 - 2004. Trump wrote a book called The Art Of The Comeback, it was about coming back from those staggering losses.

Amazing, I saw 6-7 different talking heads all using the same exact language - biggest loser. Are they all reading from the same script?

(1) The commercial real estate market completely collapsed at that time, and there was a terrible recession. Trump is a real estate developer and property owner. Most real estate moguls got annihilated at that time, because there weren't nearly enough tenants in skyscrapers and shopping malls, so there wasn't sufficient revenue to pay the mortgages, and the buildings were then worth a lot less so you couldn't sell it to get away from it. I presume that Warren Buffet and Bill Gates and Jamie Dimon lost a lot of money in 2008-2009, does that make them losers? Trump managed to get through it when many people didn't, and he's a billionaire. Is that a loser?

(2) If he's such a loser, then my God, what does that make Hilary Clinton?

These people are SO DESPERATE to attack this man, they look at his taxable income from 25 years ago, which was probably the worst time of his career.

Trump is a turd of a human being. There's all kinds of legitimate things to criticize him for. Why do these people need to humiliate themselves by resorting to this? Is everyone who loses money in major recessions, a loser?

The more leveraged you were in commercial real estate, the more you lost in the late 1980s. That's what happened. Jeez.

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