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Old 05-09-2019, 12:25 PM   #7
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
I'm not aware of Clinton having financial dealings with Russia aside from some contributions to the Foundation meant to help disadvantaged people.

Trump's dad set him up. Hundreds of millions, taught him how to cheat and still Trump 'effed most of it up. Nobody would lend him money so he had to turn Russian billionaires.

Completely different situations and the later is impacting our Democracy.
"I'm not aware of Clinton having financial dealings with Russia aside from some contributions to the Foundation meant to help disadvantaged people"

In which $145 million is "some contributions". You know who you sound like? Rep Omar, "some people did something on 09/11".

"Completely different situations and the later is impacting our Democracy my sanity and ability to get through the day without s*cking my thumb while wearing a tinfoil hat". Fixed it. As long as CNN and MSNBC can do what they're doing without Trump throwing them all in a concentration camp (which is what a fascist would do), our democracy is fine.

Clinton, coincidentally, gave Russia the sweet Uranium One deal at around the same time that Russia donated $145 million to her foundation, but that's not threatening our democracy.
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