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Old 05-09-2019, 10:19 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by nightfighter View Post
No, not presumed....

Just a little lighthearted facetiousness to complement or counter Stripers facetious, mischievous little poem.

That is your version of a political historical narrative, much of which is steeped in opinion.

Yes, my version would be my opinion. Steeped is good, no? If you're gonna go in, go in deep. Actually, I didn't do much steeping. My post was pretty concise and short considering the scope of lying being covered. Actually citing all specific examples would have made it more steep. And probably unnecessarily boring.

I don't need to revisit past administrations' spew in order to be disgusted in the current, crass, delivery the current POTUS chooses to throw at us as a nation.

It's called perspective. That which gives us a fairer view. I'm assuming that you see a greater degree and quality of lying by Trump than by other Presidents, or if not, then it would just be your version steeped in unqualified bias against him. Which is OK. But it doesn't amount to much more than that. And that's OK too.

In a discussion, it is tough to make up vertical ground by simply dragging down the other side IMO.
I wasn't dragging any side down. Just pointing out that lying is a universal tool employed by the vast majority of politicians. My opinion about why, as I've observed in this forum, there is such a negative, and actually hateful, focus on what is supposed to be Trump's incessant lying is more about his style and the successfully negative image of him created by his opposition, including, especially including, the opposition media, as well as by those in his party that hate him.

I think that most of the hate against him is steeped in how he has been defined by those who hate him, or by those who simply have political motives. He wasn't despised by so many before he became President. He was even admired and adulated by many of those who denigrate him now.

Half the country doesn't see Trump the same way you do. And we aren't stupid, or deplorable, or phobia driven. A rational discussion, rather than angry name calling and emotional characterization would more easily help to make up vertical ground.
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