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Old 05-14-2019, 07:07 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
keep regurgitating the Rights Talking points from the fear of mexicans and fear of invasion
here in the USA and stick it on europe the same Right parties spread the same fear and misinformation

Why do you constantly cast the "Right" as being afraid? Oh . . . that's right . . . it's a "Left" talking point. Your left leaning sources have told you that the "Right" is full of fear, racism, and misinformation. The "Right" is not capable of rational thought. It can't think logically--just dumb, brutish, selfish, animals trained by malevolent, greedy capitalist overlords.

But the "Right" has its own talking points. And they don't make you look so good.

So long as the conversation is a war of talking points, it ain't gonna resolve a damn thing. But keep up the good work. We're all the better for it.

Trump’s comments on European immigration mirror white nationalist rhetoric

White Nationalists eat, sleep, poop, work, and mess around just like you. You often mirror White nationalists.

Oh . . . I forgot . . . white nationalist is a "Left" talking point that is added to the list of nasty things that the "Right" is.

Be careful when you say or do something. It might mirror white nationalists.

The argument — that immigration changes existing “culture” for the worse — is a staple of white nationalist rhetoric in the United States.

Actually, "culture" existed before and apart from white nationalists. Most normal people thrive on, and in, a culture. It is one of the most important elements that make up any human society. European countries have an even stronger attachment to their cultural identities than Americans do.

For the longest time, there was a question if there was such a thing as an American culture. But there always was. It just wasn't based on outward material elements like food or clothing or music and such things, but on a state of mind. A belief that an American was a free individual bonded with other Americans in a loyalty to that belief, and that anyone who chose to immigrate here would become an American first, regardless of what they ate or sang, and that they would support and embrace American principles, its history, and its founding system which guarantees our freedom.

As simple minded, or backward as you may think it, destruction of culture creates psychological chaos. It's not that culture may be changed for the worse, but that it may be destroyed. Evolving change over time is not chaotic nor threatening to new generations. But mass immigration creating instant large communities different in almost every way and intransigent in their resistance to acculturation can be a physical as well as a psychological disruption.

Neither in Europe nor in America has mass immigration been well thought out.

I was in Munich 2014 at the height of the migrants crisis.. for octoberfest most northbound trains from salzburg were canceled I saw none of the fear your promoting and going to paris and england all with a long history of having immigrants most from their colony days

Apparently, then, all is going well. Right . . .

I said, on this forum a while ago, that their was an underreported (in "liberal" media) and growing rise against the mass immigration being forced on the European people. It is now evolving into a shift away from the political left to the right because of the ill conceived foisting of millions of so-called "refugees" on the various populations. It is not only changing the political makeup of countries, but is also threatening the cohesion of the EU.

When you say this has nothing to do with Color or religion.. your just allowing yourself to be blinded by Nationalism as if its a benign Idea

So then, why all of a sudden are Europeans changing from "liberal" minded acceptors of all races and religions and, dare I say the word, cultures, and now forcefully being against accepting them as permanent residents? What happened in a handful of years that Europeans have become bigots?

PS More Portuguese than any other nationality: Eight percent of France’s migrant population in 2012 was born in Portugal, little fall river i Guess

Well isn't that precious . . . oh, wait . . . Portuguese are European . . .

and who riots every saturday in France that's right the french over gas prices ... but those pesky immigrants
Right. The protests . . . why are you referring to protests as riots? Oh yeah, probably a talking point . . . if it's from the "Left" it's just "protests" . . . if its from the "Right" it's "riots."

And, oh yea, they're just about gas prices. Even though Macron has tried to economically bribe the "yellow vests" but they still persist.
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