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Old 05-15-2019, 12:50 PM   #3
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
FISA is used for intelligence gathering operations, not typically criminal investigations. If criminal charges are brought they typically try and obscure the FISA investigation for security reasons.
Carter Page's FISA was approved and then re-approved every 90 days as Page's was three times. Each time reasonable evidence needs to be given for why the investigation should be continued. The application grew from 66 pages to 101 pages, since much of it is redacted we can only assume that reasons were found to continue the investigation.
Thinking that every intelligence investigation has to or does find a problem is simplistic at best, and at worst would make it impossible to investigate much at all.
This was not the first time Carter Page was the subject of a FISA investigation, I would assume that he was involved in some activities that were possibly dangerous to the security of the USA. Perhaps some feel that we should not conduct any investigations till after the fact. Pretty hard to prevent things that way.
"Thinking that every intelligence investigation has to or does find a problem is simplistic at best"

That would be simplistic. Who said that, exactly? Not me.

What if, and this is a big if, but what it DOJ and FBI officials fudged the justification of investigating Page and Trump, for political reasons? If that happened (a very, very big if), would that bother you?

I wanted a thorough investigation into Trump/Russia collusion. We had one.

Now, let's have an investigation to see if the DOJ/FBI officials acted like Hilary campaign staffers, rather than acting like DOJ/FBI officials are supposed to act.
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