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Old 06-11-2019, 10:33 AM   #4
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
No, and be careful what you wish for.
Each one of those companies has a user agreement that allows you to post and if you violate their terms you get kicked out, etc.
Perhaps some think that government should be able to tell businesses who to bake a cake for, or not?

Perhaps this is fake news from Fox

"It’s true that some right-of-center users have been suspended or banned from Twitter, put in “Facebook jail,” or had their videos or channels pulled from YouTube. However, in fairness, it’s also true that liberal Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., has had some of her content pulled from Facebook and that the company inadvertently labeled every ad with LGBT in it as political, whether it was or not."
so if liz warren got suspended, that means there’s no bias? that's as stupid as me saying obama was potus, therefore there’s no such thing as racism.

to determine bias, you have to look at everything, not one persons experience.
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