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Old 06-12-2019, 09:30 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
The "media," not sure what that means anymore, and that is a huge part of the problem that the "media" has created.

In the past fifty years the media environment has changed almost completely. The media did not create the internet and cable TV, technology, markets and money did.
Where the news cycle in 1960 was a week for political news, it is now minutes, very competitive and compensation is elusive.
I don't know what the solution is, but I don't think the media is the enemy of the people or that there is some deep state existing and plotting in the media.

Apparently, you don't know what the "media" means anymore either.

I'm not interested in your typical tribal assessment of any thing that could be construed as anti-Trump.

Me neither. Don't even know what my tribal assessment is. I certainly don't comment on a lot of anti-Trump stuff like the gibberish that is so ridiculous that it needs no comment. I see a lot of that here.

Trump uses plenty of weasel words, and his reality presidential show is always a performance. Some people tell me they like reality TV shows.

Glad to see that you recognize that the "media's" performance uses similar tactics to Trump's show. Would that be responsible journalism, or journalistic hypocrisy?

Time will tell the Trump story, it looks like a horror show to me and heaven to you.
We'll see eventually.

You have an odd vision of "horror" and of "heaven." I don't even know if there is a heaven. If there is, my vision would not be influenced by the Trump "story." It would be more like the heaven on earth that Adam and Eve resided in before they began to act like journalists and investigated that which they had no right to question but were convinced to do so by an evil deep state snake.

Nixon's approval rating was almost 70% when he was reelected and less than 25% a year later.
It's nice that you can be comforted by such things. We all need something to hang on to in the midst of a horror show.
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