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Old 06-13-2019, 09:24 AM   #1
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
I agree $ isn't the always the answer and with your example it may not help the students. However, if you can attract better teachers bc of higher pay/benefits that would benefit the students. There are many states that don't fund the teacher salaries adequately and that was reflected in the strikes last year. Some of the teachers were making like $35K and hadn't had raises in a few years.
I used to laugh at teachers who used to say, when contracts were being negotiated, that the reason the students weren't doing well was because teacher's salaries were too low. So what did that mean--if they got pay raises, they would do better? If the salaries went up to meet their demands, then they would do better? Or did it mean that they were not good teachers and that good teachers did not take the job because it didn't pay enough? So, did it mean that, if the administration raised the salaries adequately, they would fire all the teachers and hire good ones that would sign on for the better pay?

No, it would not mean that. It would mean that the same teachers that were in place, and supposedly not good, would all get pay raises. And nothing would change except they'd get paid more for continuing to do what they had been doing.

Or, maybe I'm wrong, and a pay raise would be like a magic wand and make the bad teachers into good ones.
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