Thread: Bluefish
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Old 06-25-2019, 04:53 AM   #17
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Join Date: Jun 2011
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I might be in minority but I find equal enjoyment in catching most
anything. Bluefish, scup, searobin, fluke, skate, dogfish, squid,
clams....hahahaha, each one I enjoy.

Yes striped bass is high on the list, but I really do enjoy catching

Those of you who show indifference for other species like bluefish, I
wish you would reconsider. All of these animals are linked together in
a way that is critical to the targets that most of you
striped bass.

There is something fascinating about nearly every creature in the
ocean. Something as mundane or as most feel as a nuisance....the
sea robin. What a crazy engineering. Those suckers gliding around
the sea floor. I have seen them blitz....hahahaha.

This is not my pic, but I really dig the patterns on searobins.

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