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Old 07-09-2019, 06:06 AM   #1
Jim in CT
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Michelle Obama put the dagger in Biden’s back

Biden was incredibly accused of being racist, for the crime of working with segregationist democrats in congress, elected by democrat voters from the south ( somehow its Biden’s fault that southern democrats embraced segregation and elected congressmen who were racists).

Pitifully, Biden apologized for working with these guys.

Michelle Obama
was asked about his apology. Biden is the guy who helped her husband get elected in 2008, and who served him for 8 years. All Michelle had to do was to say “ i’m. not endorsing anyone right now, but i can tell you that Joe Biden is not a racist.”

instead, she said “no comment.”.

A pathetic end to Biden’s career. I don’t like his policies or his
antics, but he doesn’t have a racist bone in his body.

Most blacks opposed forced busing for the same reasons Biden did. Whether you agree with him or not, his position wasn’t the least bit racist.
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