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Old 07-09-2019, 11:37 AM   #18
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
It wasn't in 1999 and that was Trump's solution at that time when he was concerned with the debt.
Of course he has increased the debt considerably since being elected and flipflopped totally on his position since then, but you don't care.

I can foresee the But...........
"You just recited every Fox news talking point"

I see! So leading, prominent democrats, aren't currently advocating for reparations, late-term abortions, single-payer healthcare, open borders, and the green new deal? I'm making that up? Sanders, Harris, Warren, they aren't in favor of these things? Jeez, I've been sorely misinformed...but wait, here's the thing...

Warren backs reparations, source is not foxnews...

an article saying that many democratic candidates are in favor of free college, again source isn't foxnews...

An article from the New York Times (do they get their talking points from Foxnews, Pete?), saying that democrats favor single payer healthcare...

An article, also not from foxnews, showing that most candidates support the green new deal.

Would you care to recant you nonsensical, gibberish claim that I'm regurgitating Foxnews talking points?
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