Thread: Climate Change
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Old 07-11-2019, 05:58 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
Sure given the convoluted approach as is being implemented. As the demographics of those seeking refugee status -- as is allowed by current US law -- increases, while at the same time border policy to restrict asylum also increases you're going to push more people across in between ports which is going to increase the likelihood they don't seek asylum because they know they're going to be detained rather than processed legally.

Not to mention the impact on numbers of asylum seekers by smugglers using Trump's tough rhetoric to encourage northward migration and how elimination of US aid to troubled regions exacerbates the situation and you have a clear cause and effect.

Don't worry though, Sunday you're possibly going to start seeing detention centers across the country looking like El Paso and American children being separated from their parents. It's going to be MAGA.
Is asylum being restricted?
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