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Old 07-17-2019, 07:45 AM   #11
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
So your saying the Dems. didn't care about it in the past (even though Bush left us with the worse economy since the great recession and most economist say you need deficit spending to get the econ. rolling) but the Reps did? So what party is showing the hypocrisy?

Wasn't another of Trump's promises that he would wipe out the deficit and the debt?

When do we get tired of winning?
No, he's saying that on this issue, there's almost nothing but partisan hypocrisy, as those who like the sitting POTUS say nothing about massive deficits, while those in the opposing party say the deficits will kill us all. Then when a POTUS from the other party gets elected, everyone says the opposite.

I didn't see you, WDMSO, or GS worry about deficits when Obama racked them up. But they sure matter now. John R worried about deficits then, and he does now. So do I. If you thought annual trillion dollar deficits were bad under Obama, I missed that concern.
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