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Old 07-17-2019, 07:58 PM   #3
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by RIROCKHOUND View Post
Last points on this, I have work to do tonight, as I stay home and hang with the kids on Thursday's in the summer. If you provide the actual predictions by scientists and sources you meant I will reengage.

Good for you on all that. We are looking at solar when we need to replace our roof, but not yet.

We are not in uncharted territory in that there have been warm periods, with different causes (and times when CO2 was way higher for geologic reasons in the past). The geologic record provides a wealth of information to compare to the historic data and make predictions about the future. The track record, which you call laughable of the models in the last decade or to in particular has been very good. Again, show me what you meant otherwise and we can discuss them.

As far as global cooling, see the link below. Check out the number of scientific publications that show warming vs cooling. This idea that scientific consensus was global cooling has lingered because of some famous articles in a few different pop media magazines.

"If you provide the actual predictions by scientists and sources you meant I will reengage"

I can go on and on...

"We are not in uncharted territory in that there have been warm periods, with different causes"

The hell we aren't. We've never had this much of the world become industrialized, using fossil fuels at this pace in these amounts. Because that has never happened before, we don't know what the effects will be. It's not very complicated.

Solar panels - we've had an awful lot of dead birds thanks to the panels (thy keep nesting under there and then cook), and I've read that the panels are a huge mess to dispose of when they no longer function. So is it a net benefit to mother earth? I don't know. Again, the greenies didn't quite get it right, and that's a LOT simpler than trying to predict climate change impacts across all the complicated ecosystems on our planet.
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